Cube size depends on swf dimensions which are defined by width and height params of object/embed tags in html.
Here: width="300" height="200", so cube edge is just about 115 (200/sqrt(3)) to fit stage
The list of images be displayed passed in FlashVars param of Object/embed tags, for instance:
< param name="flashVars" value="images=p0.jpg,p1.jpg,p2.jpg,p3.jpg,p4.jpg,p5.jpg" />
Just so passed the list of links to open when click Cube face:
< param name="flashVars" value="links=tmp1.html,tmp2.html,tmp3.html,tmp3.html,tmp4.html,tmp5.html,tmp6.html" />
Speed, direction, algorithm of Cube spin, faces transparency, tooltips etc are adjustable at design phase.